Terrence Gooden

"live as fire;season the world"

The R.L.Allan Experience















    I’ve owned a lot of Bibles. A LOT of Bibles. In high school,I found the Bible section in one of those ancient locations called a Christian book store. I don’t really know how I knew that I should purchase leather editions(mostly bonded leather at the time because I didn’t have a huge budget to work with as a high school student!),but I did. I still own many of those Bibles today. And they have aged nicely. But if I was starting all over again from scratch, I would start with an Allan/Allan-Oxford Bible. If my whole library of Bibles had to be consolidated to for 3 or 4 Bibles, I would pick my Allan/Allan-Oxford BIbles with no question or thought. 

Today I opened up my first Longprimer. It took me two different locations( a coffee shop and a bookstore) and several hours to open it. Not because of the way it was packaged but because I wanted to savor every moment.The experience was without rival or compare. I can’t even compare it to the experience of opening up my Ruby edition or my Brevier Clarendon Wide Margin (calfsplit). The first thing that hit me was the amazing smell of the leather. It makes me wonder how so many other products could call themselves “genuine leather” without that scent coming from them. I didn’t have to work to notice the smell. It filled my space like a perfume.

After that my eyes were treated to a great experience. I had to take a closer look at what was producing such a wonderful smell.I had looked at tons of pictures but none of them did credit to the Longprimer when it’s held inches away from the eyes. The color was rich and yet “humble”. It demanded a second look but it also gave me the feeling that it would fit in many atmospheres and occasion. From the most sanctimonious cathedral to the ragged back seat of a farmer’s pick-up truck, this BIble would fit. And that is one of the things I really like about it. 

This Bible is classic. When I look at it, I feel connected to the history of BIble publishing and the thousands who have been transformed by the Scriptures found in an Allan Bible. There are a lot of options when it comes to Bibles. Probably more now than ever. There will be children who probably think the Bible can only exist on the same advice that enables them to play Angry Birds! As long as the Word of God is being spread and lived, I can’t complain too much. But I will say that we live  in a world where it is normal for people to wait in long lines to buy a device that comes nicely packaged and cost hundreds of dollars,but holds no inherent eternal value.If anything, it can be a constant source of distraction and competition for some of the most important things in life. But I don’t know of many ways a quality Bible from R.L.Allan (that comes in a simple,but elegant blue box) can be a distraction! I venture to say that more people need to be “distracted” by the experience of reading God’s word in an edition of the Bible that connects with all the senses. A Bible that connects us with centuries of quality,durability, style,design, functionality and the clear purpose of preserving the Scriptures. 

I fear I might only have this experience of opening a new Allan Bible  a few more time( unless I branch out and start collecting some other translations other than KJV and ESV,or unless Allan comes up with some more amazing settings and styles!). If the next 2 or 3 Bibles I get from Glasgow are the last ones, I will find a way to be content. I will wait for the day when I can order my son his first Allan Bible. He’ll probably be waiting to get one of the ones I already have;maybe the very Longprimer that I opened today. It will be worn from years of use at by then,but it will have lost none of its charm or strength. I want him to know the difference between my Bibles and all my other books. And I want him to know the difference between my other Bibles and my R.L.Allan Bibles!  There is a vast difference and it is one that makes them worth every penny. It’s worth the price when you  hold a book that even my two year old son knows talks about Jesus, and you feel like the presentation matches what is contained on the pages. It’s like when Solomon wanted to build a temple for God because he wasn’t comfortable with the fact that God dwelled in a tent. Solomon wanted to build a house for God that was ornate and aesthetically superior,not for the temple to get glory but for the glory of God to be able to dwell in a place that was truly beautiful,were nothing was spared for the Creator. Allan Bibles are kind of like a “temple” that holds the words of God. It takes those blessed words out of the “tents” of cheap,inferior,thoughtless,mechanically produced binding and puts it in something much better. Beyond that, they help me build up my soul,spirit and body,which is the temple that the Spirit of God resides in.

This idea just popped into my head. My fellow “Bible-nerds” might enjoy it! 


Imagine an Allan,Cambridge,Trinitarian Bible Society,etc Bible bound in vegetable tanned natural leather! It would start out looking like this:


Image(photo from Tannergoods.com

After use,sun and some oiling, it would turn out like this:

Image(photo from http://simplethreads.co/page/18/)


How great would that be? I love a well worn Bible( as well as denim,leather shoes,etc). Patina is something that represents the history of an object. And to me,history is always about stories (which are what I really love the most!).  The great thing about the vegetable tanned natural leather is that even the oils from your hands will change the color. As you carried and used your Bible, it would show a really visible change. A small Bible like an Allan ESV Compact or a Cambridge Pitt Minion would really take on the indigo color of denim if someone carried them in their back pocket. I would love to have my new TBS Westminster or even an LCBP Wide Margin wrapped in that type of leather. I don’t know if there are any companies that will do this and I definitely don’t know what the cost would be. But it is on my list! 

Image(photo from Corter.squarespace.com)

Image(photo from http://simplethreads.co/page/18/)

My bible is ope…

My bible is open. 

I’m ready.

I open to the Book of Mark and turn to chapter 5. Starting at verse 22, there is a story about a man named Jairus and he has a sick daughter who is 12 years old. She’s at the point of death and he knows Jesus is the only hope. So he goes to ask Jesus for help and Jesus agreed to go with him. On the way, a woman who has an issue,a serious health problem that has caused hemoragghing for 12 years. She too knows that Jesus is the only option for healing that she has. She reaches out and touches his garment and she is healed. Then Jesus continues on to the Jairus’s house,even though word of his daughter’s death has been sent. Jesus gets there and raises her to life. One woman sick 12 years. One sick little girl who was 12 years old. 12….12…..This is 2012. And in the next chapter of Mark,Jesus sends out his 12 disciples 2 by 2.

2 by 2….12….2012…

This must mean that in 2012 God is healing hemorrhaging women and raising 12 year old girls to life and calling for churches to send out members 2 by 2. All because it’s 2012 and the math adds up. The numbers are right. Everything in Bible is meant to be symbolic,right?

I wrote this to show how easy it is to go off on a rant or manufacture slogans and ideas based off of things we find in the Bible. So many times this is what happens at church because of the emotional response that it gets. In the Scriptures, there are examples of metaphor,simile, parables, allusions, etc that lie under the surface of the verses. But we often connect dots that weren’t intended to be connected. We can eclipse the real message by focusing too much on what our finite minds can deduce or construct.  God does reveal the mystery within His Word to us,and symbols,numbers, secrets,etc are a part of that. But we fail to really embrace the Bible for what it is when we treat the Bible like a puzzle. The Bible is a story. It’s about Jesus. It’s about a Saviour who does heal 12 year olds and sick women and men. It is a story about God desiring not only the disciples,but all of us to go out and preach and heal. That’s the focus. Not the math.  

Good & God

“Why is there good (in my life,in the world)?

If this question is asked, I am convinced that the answer need not have the words, “I”, “me”, “my” or “we” in it. These words shouldn’t enter the conversation until the subject of thanksgiving is introduced. Giving thanks to God acknowledges that the source of is known, and the source is not us. That’s why thanksgiving is a revealer of the presence of God, which, like His goodness and glory , is all around us. It is not peripheral to us. Earth is crammed with it. It’s really unavoidable. That’s why a poor man in the slums can experience God’s presence just like the billionaire. The poor man isn’t poor because of a lack of God’s goodness or presence and the billionaire doesn’t have an excess of God’s goodness or presence. We are judged for how generous we are and there are rewards and punishments that are God’s to assign. But I don’t believe this necessarily happens at the level of material things. I believe this happens at a heart and eternal level. There are poor people who have no material gift to give, and that is the case for their whole life. There are people with many material things who aren’t generous at all and they keep gaining more and more. That is a result of the way sin has caused us to divide up the good that God has put on the earth.  But those material, earthly things only show one part of God’s goodness and gold can never compare to God’s glory.

I wonder if we’re waiting for people to die so we can preach messages that the living(and those fighting the hold of sin and death) really need to hear more frequently

I think the Gospel and the topics that the Early Church focused on are more prevalent at funerals than at the average church service!

At funerals passages are read that talk about Resurrection. We only hear about that on Easter.

At funerals people talk about the hope that believers have for “life after life”.And at some point in the service,someone usually tries to compel people to accept Christ. 

People talk about the deceased in regards to what they did with the time they had and what legacy they left. Who did they impact? Who did they love and who was loved by them? People rarely talk about how many cars or houses the person had. Love( or the absence of it) seems to contribute to the words spoken and the overall attendance of most funerals.Material wealth might determine the type of casket,but things that are eternal in nature tend to determine the way the people in attendance feel. 



Promises + Problems

God made some pretty huge promises to the Hebrew people in the Old Testament. Land,milk,honey,victory,His presence and stuff like that.These promises are mentioned various times throughout the Scriptures but mentioned far more frequently is the fact that the people of God had misplaced their heart/worship.The acqiustion of the material and spiritual blessings from God was not the focus or the problem. Those things would take care of themselves because the benifactor and scource was God. And God has never had any shortage of land,milk,honey or anything else. The weight fell on the fallen people that God chose to redeem and be with.  The Old Testament isn’t full of chapters showing God’s failures(because He never fails). But there are numerous accounts of human failure. Humans constantly needing help,needing aid to be righteous.Humans have no problem being consumers and receiving. The human problem is giving God our love…our heart,soul,mind and strength. 

So I often wonder why there is such a focus in the modern Church (not in all cases,but in a large percent)on gaining and benefiting from God and less teaching and preaching on what will help us with our heart/worship problem. Are we really much better than the Children of Israel at being devoted to God’s purpose and giving Him everything we were created to give Him? I doubt it. I know I’m not. The blessing and the gifts of God still aren’t in question. He still has no problem keeping His promises. I think we still have the same problem and we need to devote more of our time to dealing with that. And maybe when we do that our  lives and hearts will shine brightly more than our cars,rings and houses ever could. And maybe lives lived according to what God wants and not what we want will show people something different. Those in darkness already know how to go after what they want. They need to see a life that will show them that they are wanted by God. And the desire of God’s heart is much more important that the things He can give us.


– This is a video that shows the first time Aaron and Heather saw there son-to-be,Arthur.

(click to view http://vimeo.com/32444642 )-This is a video showing the happy ending to Adam and Carissa’s adoption story that involved a lot of travel,hoping and support from family and friends as they went through the process to bring Rinah home form Uganda. I started reading there blog right around page 12 (http://www.andrewandcarissa.com/andrewcarissa/?currentPage=12) which was covering the time period of September 2011.As i went back in time through their blog, I saw that they had been waiting for while. It took more than 9 months for the whole process to be completed.But the video shows them here, in America,happy–family

The stories of families who go through so many moments of struggle,waiting,procedure, and heart-wrenching days and nights or yearning in order to adopt a child inspire me so much. When I encounter these stories,I can’t help but think about the fact that God has adopted me,brought me into a family. I was chosen and He would not be satisfied until I realized that He wanted me to experience the life and identity He planned for me “before all that can be called before”(St.Augustine).

The Scriptures show us that we are the object of God’s attention and desire. He wanted us to be free to exists in His love. He sent His son to redeem us.And Jesus showed us who we were to be. He showed us how to be sons of God.

 1Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;

 2But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.

 3Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:

 4But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

 5To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

 6And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

 7Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.(Galatians 4:1-7 KJV)

I know what it is like to live for months expecting the birth of a child. There’s the thoughts of what the child will look like and how will he or she respond to life outside the womb. I know the feeling of meeting that child for the first time and being plunged into a new force of love that threatens to take you under because of how strong it is.I can also imagine how strong this feeling would be after perspective parents actually met the child but aren’t allowed to bring them home because there are papers to be filed and cases to be heard. Months and even years could pass while all of this was taking place. And if absence makes the heart grow fonder, the heart of these people who desire to adopt must be close to imploding with fondness.That is how God’s heart must look too. He has seen us and watched us long before we appeared on this planet. Because of sin,there were laws that were in the way, preventing Him from really being the Father he is. But He never gave up. And,as promised, He sent His son to be the answer. The death and resurrection of Jesus made it possible for us to see our identity in God. It changed our blood.It changed our heritage and our inheritance.

We should spend more time living like God is our Father. We should spend more time crying,”Abba,Father”.Not begging,or talking down to others,or speaking in fear. We are the sons of God. 

Today marks the day that Landon has officially been ours to hold,tickle,feed,teach,laugh at,and love for 19 months. He wasn’t adopted,but he was chosen for us by God. Out of all the things he does that I cherish and love, I love it most when he makes it clear he knows I am his “Da/Daddy”. That’s what makes me feel weak and strong at the same time. That’s what topples me and makes me stand tall(er). God loves to know that we know He is our Father.It’s that simple.


Easter Sunday is celebrated once a year.We fill churches with our pastel color

pallet and a lot of lillies. Songs like “He Arose” are sung and we love the

chorus because of it’s antiphonal structure( one section says “He Arose” and

then another section echoes them saying,”He Arose”…For some reason,this is

great fun,especially for the children in attendance).There are people who attend

service on Easter that never show up at any service.

But what is most dangerous is that the word “Resurrection” is only heard in some

churches on that day. The concept of Resurrection is sprinkled lightly along

with some of the other major topics that are preached about.But that one day is

really the only time Resurrection is put on the main stage.

The problem with that is Jesus said he is the resurrection and life.He said that

before he was crucified. He proclaimed that he was able to revive and restore

life before the events that took place a few weeks later in Jerusalem.Jesus

conquered death and the grave because that is who he is–resurrection and life.

When we fail to proclaim that facet of His identity,aren’t we really downplaying

out one of the most essential parts of the identity of Christ?

I don’t think we talk about the Resurrection enough.And that’s one reason we

lack the influence and power that the Early Church had. We wrap all of the power

up in yellow hair ribbons and and colorful suits on one day in Spring.


The Church.My Church.His Church(Part 2)

I’m looking for a Church. This is an example of how the Church I’m looking for operates.

“Cut to the quick, those who were there listening asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers! Brothers! So now what do we do?” Peter said, “Change your life. Turn to God and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are forgiven. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is targeted to you and your children, but also to all who are far away – whomever, in fact, our Master God invites.” He went on in this vein for a long time, urging them over and over, “Get out while you can; get out of this sick and stupid culture!” That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up. They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers. Everyone around was in awe – all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person’s need was met.  They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved.(Acts 2:37-47,The Message)

After Peter recounted the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and proclaimed that Jesus was the Christ that the world had waited on, the people asked what their response should be. The Church was formed by the fact that they provided an answer and a response to those who asked for one.

38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

39For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.

40And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.(Acts 2:38-40 KJV)

The church I’m looking for began from that moment to be this amazing,organic,life-giving,God-directed entity. This is what their activities looked like:

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.(They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers)

And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.( Everyone around was in awe – all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! )

And all that believed were together, and had all things common;(And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common)

And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.(They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person’s need was met)

 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,(They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful)

Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.(as they praised God, people in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved)

(Acts 2:41-47 KJV/Message)

Where is this Church? I see the Church that Paul wrote all of those letters to. The church that was arguing and not focusing on the true identity and function of the Body. I see the Church that had to be reminded about the grace of God and the fact that love is not an accessory that we can choose to live with. It is the greatest of any list of virtues. I see the Church that had to be told words like these:

26For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

 27For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

 29And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.(Galatians 3:26-29 KJV)

   I see the Church that has done some great things throughout history,but still has such a problem accomplishing what was done in the early days.When I look at the Church today, I still believe that it can be glorious,powerful,light-bearing,disciplined,engaging and world-changing. It’s been those things before. I wouldn’t know anything about the God I love now if there hadn’t been that day recorded in the second chapter of Acts. That is the day the disciples and those waiting in Jerusalem were given what they would need to be witnesses to those far away,both in geographical relation to them and to those far away in time(like a short guy who wears glasses who is sitting in Starbucks typing on a computer at the moment).

I’m looking for a Church. I want it to look like the one God started.

More Space

“…The house of my soul is too narrow for you to come in to me;let it be enlarged by you….

Is there any place within me into which my God might come? How should the God who made heaven and earth come into me? Is there any room in me for you, Lord, my God? Even heaven and earth, which you have made and in which you have made me – can even they contain you? Since nothing that exists would exist without you, does it follow that whatever exists does in some way contain you?But if this is so, how can I, who am one of these existing things, ask you to come into me, when I would not exist at all unless you were already in me? Not yet am I in hell, after all but even if I were, you would be there too; for if I descend into the underworld, you are there. No, my God, I would not exist, I would not be at all, if you were not in me. Or should I say, rather, that I should not exist if I were not in you, from whom are all things, through whom are all things, in whom are all things? Yes, Lord, that is the truth, that is indeed the truth. To what place can I invite you, then, since I am in you? Or where could you come from, in order to come into me? To what place outside heaven and earth could I travel, so that my God could come to me there, the God who said, I fill heaven and earth?…”-St. Augustine

“I love that You’re beyond compare and beyond category.What can we make that can hold You?Our doctrine and theology is too small.Our words can’t describe You well enough.Our elequence is reduced to the babble of an 18 month old child.You spill out of every container,You cross the boundaries of every location we set apart for You.We can never take You somewhere that You aren’t already existing in.If You’re not there,there doesn’t exist.We can only reveal you.Sometimes we forget what happened when You became flesh and put up Your tent(Your flesh) among us.You didn’t come to be with us because we had room.You wanted to get closer to us.You wanted to rip the veil between us.The story You created demanded that the setting for our redemption be here,in this world You created.The Word became a character we could see and eat with, touch and be touched by.The body You used was just a costume,a hero’s cape that signified You were here to rescue us.The universe is one of your normal disguises and even it is too small. It can’t hide You.In fact,it declares Your glory.It shows forth your majesty.And we should do no less.
You live in us,you inhabit our praise.Praise is the real purpose for our breath.You didn’t breath just regular air into Adam.You breathed into him what fills the universe and the heavens.Your glory is revealed where there is praise.That’s why You fill the heavens and the earth.Your breath created the “air” of the heavens where You live.That’s why the heavens declare Your glory.You wanted man to do the same thing.You also created a people,Israel,to praise you.They were just a starting point.Even they could not create enough praise.You desire praise from all of  us.
You came to redeem us and show us what we were capable of and what we were created for.You didn’t want worship on one mountain,by one people.You wanted to redeem all mankind.You wanted even more space.You wanted my heart.Your sacrifice allowed me to become a temple for You.You’ve allowed me to carry what the universe can’t contain.Forgive us for taking that lightly.It’s heavy,Your glory is a weighty thing.We don’t handle you correctly.And we falsely think we can control You or determine where,how or to whom You reveal yourself to. We think our pageants and special vestments and titles make us better.But let us remember that,in the beginning,You chose dust.You didn’t make man from some rare mineral or precious stone.You chose what we wash off our feet and shake out of our shoes when we leave the beach.You chose what pigs roll around in.You chose what we fertilize with manure and then plant seeds in.It’s in that dirt,that lowely soil that we expect to see a harvest.And You chose to come,clothed in dust,to offer your life.Like a seed,You were buried in the ground.And we are Your harvest.We are Yours.Not because our background qualifies us.We all come from dirt.Even the wealthy and ruling on the earth are made from dust.And even those who live in the dirt,on the streets,in boxes,in tent cities in Haiti.You breathe in to dust and make it a living soul.You constantly choose the low things.And if we’re looking for You,we need to look in those dirty places too.
Just like you told the Samaritan women at the well,God is looking for worshippers,not a specific race,ethnicity,location,economic status,gender or age.The Samaritans were lower than dirt in the eyes of the Jews.Jesus knew that.But he talked to a Samaritan woman( who was perceived as being  lower than the lowest Samaritan man) and offered her living water.When she shared what happened to her,when she gave Jesus praise,others in her community believed.They weren’t counted out.You included them just like You included us who are afar off.It was promised that the Spirit ,the breathe of God,would be sent.And the Spirit would enable the recipients of it to declare God everywhere,including neglected,hated places like Samaria.Your words still prompt us and command us now.”
We cannot build a church,an organization or plan a conference or convocation big enough to please and contain God.He wants more room.He wants more humans to dwell in.He wants the places and people we prohibit him from.He wants the parts of life that we think are too mundane.He wants the careers we think aren’t sacred enough. Our idea of him is too tight, he can’t fit the wardrobe we try to dress him in.When God willfully confined himself to something too small before,it killed the body He was in.But the power of resurrection in him broke out and raised that body from death! I want to see resurrection break out.I want to witness resurrection triumphing over death everyday.Not just on Easter.I want to celebrate,remember,declare and share the sufferings of the cross do I can also share the power of resurrection in my life and in the world.
We can consider Solomon’s prayer that he offered to God after the temple was completed:
But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have built! (2 Chronicles 6:18 KJV)

Can it be that God will actually move into our neighborhood? Why, the cosmos itself isn’t large enough to give you breathing room, let alone this Temple I’ve built. (2 Chronicles 6:18 MSG)

 God is always more than one place.When Solomon prays,he asks God to hear from heaven but he also asks him to rest in the temple.This shows God’s omnipresence.
The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.(John 1:14 MSG)
Solomon had wisdom and enough humility to know that no matter how large and exquisite his temple was,it would not be enough. His question in 2 Chronicles 6:18 is filled with a sort of prophetic hope that God will do much more than just fill the temple made my the hands of men. I think Solomon believed there would be a time when God dwelled in us,the ones he made in his image.But even at that moment,he knew that God would still be so massive that he could never be contained.