by Terrence

I wonder if we’re waiting for people to die so we can preach messages that the living(and those fighting the hold of sin and death) really need to hear more frequently

I think the Gospel and the topics that the Early Church focused on are more prevalent at funerals than at the average church service!

At funerals passages are read that talk about Resurrection. We only hear about that on Easter.

At funerals people talk about the hope that believers have for “life after life”.And at some point in the service,someone usually tries to compel people to accept Christ. 

People talk about the deceased in regards to what they did with the time they had and what legacy they left. Who did they impact? Who did they love and who was loved by them? People rarely talk about how many cars or houses the person had. Love( or the absence of it) seems to contribute to the words spoken and the overall attendance of most funerals.Material wealth might determine the type of casket,but things that are eternal in nature tend to determine the way the people in attendance feel.